Welcome to That Bookish Life!

Hi, I’m Stephanie, internet-professional Reader and writer of this weekly newsletter where I share the thoughts and tidbits no one knew they needed served up alongside weekly updates and links I love. Fresh editions arrive every Saturday morning before the coffee (or tea?) brews. This is my e-version of a coffee chat, I’d love for you to join me!

About Me

I am a lifelong bibliophile and library evangelist forever striving to live my best bookish life. I read more than 200 books a year across many genres and have been chatting books on the internet for more than a decade! I love connecting with other readers and using my wide reading experience to help others find their way to good reads.

I’m from Columbus, Ohio where I live with my husband, two kids, my best friend, who happens to be a dog, and a colorful library stocked with all my favorite books complete with a library cat.

I love my little bookish corner of the internet, but feel increasingly disillusioned with social media apps and algorithms. I’m hoping to use this supplemental space to create a closer community free from the whims of algorithmic influence.

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A weekly roundup of thoughts, links, happenings, and general goings ons in my bookish life.


I read and I know things. Instagram @that_bookish_life